Submit a file (Word/Pages/RTF/txt) with 1–5 poems on Duosuma. If your work requires complex formatting, inform us in the message and attach a PDF file. Include a brief message and an author bio of max 100 words.
Please list the names of your pieces and the media/techniques used. If you are sending artwork for another project use the subject line Submission: Artwork, instead. Include a brief message and an artist bio of max 100 words. Attach pdf, png, jpeg, or svg files only. Send 1–5 works of art.
If you are sending an ekphrastic response to a piece published in a previous issue of Sublimation, then follow the normal Sublimation guidelines for poetry or art, but mention in the cover letter that you are sending a piece for the Ekphrastic Afterword and which work was used as inspiration.
We accept simultaneous submissions, but be courteous and inform us immediately if a piece gets accepted elsewhere.
We do not accept reprints. Please submit new work only.
We accept only human-created poetry and art.
We can’t pay contributors up front yet. However, contributors will receive yearly royalty payments for each copy sold.
We don’t charge submission fees, but there’s a tip jar for generous offerings to help keep the magazine running.
If you request it, we’ll send you a PDF of the issue. If you want a print version, you’ll have to buy it via Amazon.
Island of Wak-Wak reserves the right of first publication for all work it publishes. You retain the copyright, but we suggest you wait a month out of curtesy before publishing it elsewhere.
Submission to Island of Wak-Wak and Sublimation constitutes acceptance of these terms.
Reading Periods and Themes
Up-coming Reading Periods 2025:
Issue 1: “The Heart of Winter” will be open December 15, 2024–January 15, 2025. OPEN
Issue 2: “Steam Power and Clockwork” will be open February 15–March 15 extended to 17, 2025. OPEN
Issue 3: “A Midsummer’s Day Nightmare” will be open April 15–May 15, 2025. CLOSED
Issue 4: “It’s Okay. I’ve Got a Back Up” will be open June 15–July 15, 2025. ClOSED
Issue 5: “Don’t Look Under the Bed” will be open August 15–September 15 2025. CLOSED
Issue 6: “Let It Snow” October 15–November 15 2025. CLOSED
Click on the “Submit” button to go to our Duosuma page and submit.